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Friday, August 24, 2012

Getting the ‘Bug’ Ready for Drama Essay

Sorting the after effects of the play or film you just watched, you soaked your head with the effects and draft it. Draft what? -- A drama essay. You start with the general theme, that cohesive concept that glued the whole piece into one artistic show – a thriller, an intellectual palate, and other adjective-noun relationships lay out to shed the ‘effect.’ You pore all of the piece’ s effect on your drama essay draft, as if its paint colouring that blank canvass into raw hues of bright, dark, and in-betweens. And as the effect slowly ebbs away, you turn to answer the question with research:

 1. How was the whole thing conceived? What is the story in print and as envisioned by its creators? 

2. What implements and techniques where administered to rouse the desired effect and the desired audience’s response? 

3. How did the selection and building of characters commenced? What were the major considerations? 

4. What were the challenges, production-wise? Apart from factual feeds, you commence to check on prominent play/film reviews.  And the review draws a different mix of approving and disagreeable nods. 

Some things or experience has been shared, yet students are to observe how the reaction and impact significantly differs. Students have to be careful in reading these reviews as this may influence your own tone in the drama essay. The recommended stuff to do is read such reviews after you approach 75% of the essay draft. The tone carried in such essays will eventually undergo some form of transition: from the leisure-watcher’s disposition to the knowing critic. For you to fully optimise the watching and essay experience, you must embrace and enjoy the innate keenness in you. Poke at the subject in every turn and pluck the courage to draw your own, unique conjectures.


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