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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Learning the Basics of Writing Biology Essays

Biology essays involve writing about life processes that can be seen all around us. Essay topics for Biology essays may range from writing about flora and fauna, microscopic organisms, to the largest animals both living and extinct. The type of Biology essay written can also vary depending on the student's chosen topic. For example, there are Biology essays about controversial research topics such as stem cell research as well as cause and effect essays tackling the problem of environmental pollution.
Typical Biology essays follow the five-paragraph format which consists of the following:

* Introductory paragraph. This should include the thesis statement and tells the readers what to expect from the essay. This is the writer's chance to grab the reader's attention so that the reader will be encouraged to read through the entirety of the essay. This part also introduces the reader to the discussion being tackled in the essay.

* Three body paragraphs. The first paragraph of the essay body usually contains the strongest argument or the most significant fact around which the entire essay is built upon, the cleverest illustration, or anything that will serve as a strong jump-off point for the discussion of the essay. The second paragraph will contain the second strongest argument, second most significant example, or the part of the essay that will serve as a good follow-up to the discussion in the first paragraph of the essay body. This will be followed by the third paragraph of the Biology essay which will contain the weakest argument, weakest example or illustration. The last sentence of this paragraph should contain a transitional statement which will signal the reader that this is the final point for the essay and which will prepare the reader for the concluding paragraph.

* Concluding paragraph. This serves as the summary of the entire discussion where the writer will briefly mention the most important points covered in the essay and leave a concluding statement that will leave the readers to ponder on.


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