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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Basic Steps to Write an Essay on the History of Art

I was in the middle of the end of first grade as a freshman undergraduate visual art when he began to participate in essay writing for the course of art history. In the middle of the word, they were the work of academic writing in the visual arts, including writing. Art history is one of the essay topics of interest given to our class. Although he has given us the opportunity to choose our subjects in art history, I learned that the stages of writing essays on the history of art would be the same regardless of the subject the people we have selected.

So I studied and studied the material for the library of the Internet and the measures or procedures on how to write the essay focuses on the history of art in the field. When I'm done with the research I did, and collected the information and materials I needed, I have focused on procedures or guidelines for writing an essay on art history, so do not know what to do before starting the actual writing of a document of art history essay. Procedures for writing an essay in art history are the same regardless of a specific theme or focus on the theme. Steps to write an essay in art history which focused on the main theme or idea would require a couple of tips I've read and collected in my research.
Stages of the writing of essays on art history are:

.  Verification of the specific requirements of the form and other requirements of the test history of paper art. I made sure to check with our speaker in the format of the document and a style guide and proper citation style to use a trial of labor.

·  Make a written proposal that shows the general structure of my art history test. Similar to the basic structure of other scientific tests, the test structure of art history consists of an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction has an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement to the last part of the room, the body consists of several sections and subsections, and the conclusion summarizes the discussion of the introduction and body.


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